The German Diplomacy Association

The German Diplomacy Association, or Deutscher Diplomacy Bund e.V. how it is properly called in German, was founded in 2002. Today, the German Diplomacy Association is internationally known and well respected and has thus achieved one of its most important goals: To establish and strengthen connections between the German Diplomacy scene and the rest of the world.

What exactly is the German Diplomacy Association doing?

The German Diplomacy Association takes care of a wide range of tasks regarding our hobby but is not set to interfere with existing and well working platforms like Ludomaniac or Lepanto. These platforms do a great job at providing infrasturcture for play by e-mail games so the focus of the German Diplomacy Association is almost exclusively on face to face Diplomacy.

You can basically say that the goal of the German Diplomacy Association is to organize, nurture and propagate Diplomacy in Germany. This includes:

  • addressing and activating new players;
  • promoting new and exisiting Diplomacy conventions in Germany;
  • establishing and strenghtening connections between the German Diplomacy scene and the rest of the world;
  • biding for and organizing the World Diplomacy Convention (WDC) and European Diplomacy Convention (EDC) in Germany;
  • guaranteeing the organization of several Diplomacy conventions each year;
  • coordinating events in Germany and abroad to avoid conflicting dates of conventions and gurantee a steady stream of conventions throughout the year;

-The current statutes of the association (German) is also available in PDF format.

Sounds good, does it actually work?

Since its foundation the German Diplomacy Association fulfills its duties and gets more routine year by year. The contacts to foreign players and conventions are better than ever and in recent years a lot of interesting conventions were held in Germany. For example the World Diplomacy Convention with 120 players in 2006 in Berlin and two European Diplomacy Conventions: 2004 in Darmstadt and 2009 in Bonn.

Talking about the World Diplomacy Convention: In 2008 Julian Ziesing was able to win the World Diplomacy Convention in Austria and take the first World Championship home to Germany.

In addition to big tournaments with international attention there are many more conventions in Germany each year. The most traditional ones, that take place almost every year, are:

  • Chill Out Con (April / May)
    The Chill Out Con is primarily aimed at new players and provides the perfect setting for a relaxed weekend. The Chill Out Con features not only a small tournament but also introductions and explanations to the torunament modes and a lot of information and stories about the best way to play Diplomacy: The face to face game.
  • BerliCon in Berlin (Summer)
    The BerliCon is the second oldest convention and always absolutely worth a visit. Every year the big names of the German (and often also European) Diplomacy scene gather to win one of the sought-after prices.
  • HessenCon in Waldkappel (November)
    If tradition has a second name it is probably Waldkappel. This convention in Hessen is a synonym for high class Diplomacy in a cozy atmosphere.

The Wiesbaden Variant Days (Wiesbadener Varianten Tage) which took place in 2010 for the first time and are mostly about Diplomacy variants, as the name already suggests, is a good example of new and innovative conventions to see the light of day.

How is the association organized?

Even though the German Diplomacy Association has a board which is elected democratically once a year on one of the conventions and represents the association it lives from its members. Especially those who organize tournaments, represent our hobby in foreign contries or take care of one of the many other tasks outlined above.

Awesome! How can I join?

If you simply want a weekend of fun just visit one of the upcoming conventions. To participate you don't need to be a member of the association, everyone is heartly welcome. If that is not enough for you we surely appreciate welcoming you as a member. Even though we are the German Diplomacy Association, every Diplomacy player, wherever he may come from, is invited. Just talk to us for the details.